inspo for the soul
shared by jd
shared by jd
shared by christina
Le Parc Monceau by Gustave Caillebotte 1877
shared by jd
Bauhaus Rug No. 1 - BY Gertrud Arndt 1924
shared by jd
work from arrakis
shared by christian
in drawing
in tracing
in printing
in writing
in building universes
and in powering up to do our best

we found joy through you
thank you for living

Akira Toriyama
April 5, 1955 – March 1, 2024
shared by christian
Spike Jonze
shared by christina
shared by jd
Practice 001:
Marketing = quantity.
Branding = quality.
All organizations should understand
their current and desired state
for each, separately.

Until next,
walt goin' to wrk
shared by christian
shared by CHRISTIAN
keep it alive
shared by jd
ye vultures listening experience
shared by jd
shared by christina
Bauhaus Chess Set - Josef Hartwig 1924
shared by jd
the wassily chair
by Marcel Breuer 1925
shared by jd
usher superbowl fit by off-white
shared by jd
lefty gamebreaker
design by cole
shared by jd
Page 41: "look for what you notice but no one else sees."
rubin, rick. (2023). The creative act: a way of being. penguin Press.
shared by jd
CGI by @finalfinal_
shared by jd
al & oppy
shared by jd
movie magic
shared by christian
character design by kris anka
color & light by kat tsai
shared by jd